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…It is imperative that you first acknowledge the reality of your wounds. Recognizing yourwounded state is the initial step toward receiving appropriate treatment. It is essential to acceptthe vulnerability you exposed by not wearing full armour, rendering yourself susceptible toenemy attacks. Vulnerability may manifest in various forms, such as the omission of truth, faith,neglect of
Dear Expectant Mother
I empathize with the challenges you have faced in recent weeks, but there is a silver lining—theimminent arrival of your baby. I commend your resilience and wish to express my pride in yourjourney. As you anticipate the arrival of your child, thoughts inevitably arise regarding theirphysical traits, potential talents, and future accomplishments. These contemplations oftenmanifest
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Dear Pregnant warrior
I understand that being pregnant may not be the most exciting thing on the block. But it is just as important if not even more important. This is my reassurance to you that even in this season you still remain relevant, that’s what god currently desires for you. Different parts of the baby start to
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