Congratulations on being wed to the king of kings, you his lover prized highly above any other. You dear friend are the loved of the father. See how your tongue is able to utter the very name of the Lord the very one that high priests and anointed men of the past uttered and fell to the ground dead. But you dear betrothed are the loved of this so glorious Lord and you can call on him at any time.

        When you came to the light and said your vows accepting him willingly as lord and saviour, there was jubilation in the heavens. Extremes of joy shot out of the heavens pouring all over rays vibrant and with overflow. I remember the king calling you by the name he knows you as from eternity and in befitting purpose, oh what a wonderful day that was.

       You now walk in shame, you that once burned o’ temple glistening with the very essence of purity fueled and sustained by the leadings of the Holy Ghost with each step you walked in this life. I remember when you were proud of your lover, where the only words that rolled from your lips where about the beauty of his majesty, WHEN YOU WHERE A TRUSTED FRIEND…you were excited to be in his courts, he was your rest ,oh return please…

But now you wear your ring occasionally and you remember your vows depending on who is asking and who you want to engage, I remember when the only things that laid on your altar was all that that the lord declared pure and holy, but of late the juicy bits of what is profane have found rest on the altar that once fiercely burnt, it was not on fire, It was the fire. Now you are ashamed to be seen walking with your lover and in comforting yourself you “you do what the Romans do.” Oh gone are the days when you valued consecration, the city is under a siege, return to your lover. He still longs for you as always, to gaze at you in the same way he did when you first met.

With Love,

-Kana Lusuba-

8 thoughts on “DEAR BETROTHED”

  1. May I never leave my lover and never forget the most precious friendship to me.

    Thank you for a beautiful reminder kana ❤️

  2. its how the narrative switched!!!….i resonate with being called back to the altar of my love, THANK YOU

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