The vine must bear fruit… there are laws, seed and harvest, day and night…
“I am the vine and you are the branches. Whomever lives in me and I in,
him bears much (abundant) fruit. However apart from me you can do nothing”
There is a dimension in bearing quality fruit of a high yield that you must be rooted in Jesus. Rooted to the place of oneness, where we not only express his life in ourselves but to the extent where he lives in us and through us. Eternal life not merely as a concept but as a reality. ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE TO YOU THE CONCEPT OF BRANCH AND VINE.
In remaining in communion with the lord our yield is not only abundant but quality. The highlight is also that outside this type of relationship with the vine there is no fruit, no wine, and anything else that should have been a product of the relationship of the two… this is who we have come to be in knowing, in passing this is the TRUTH we have come to be a part of. The fruit speaks highly of where the branch is connected, where is it rooted?
Today I wrote only to remind you that your fellowship with God is so important. Who you are, who you have come to know the father as, who he continuously reveals you as to you… dear chosen… BE FRUITFUL.
With Love,
-Kana Lusuba-