It’s probably all you’ve known… well I speak of system and routine. And that okay because some systems do keep us in place, they keep us confident. Systems allow you to replicate ideal results over and over again. But what if I told you that as much as you need to operate by systems even in the kingdom of God, your relationship with God doesn’t have to be a routine, it should be…….what the word…spontaneous is!

     Hear me well, imagine having a scripted conversation with a friend…it’s probably to be recorded right?? Or rehearsal for a big event, in simple terms IT IS A PERFORMANCE. There is no intimacy between the characters and after a full day of shooting they go home and continue with their everyday. But a relationship with God is intimacy! So you can only be intimate if and only if you let go of those restraints and pursue the fruits of your fellowship with him.

To be intimate is share everything, thoughts, joys, hopes, the things that make you smile on a cloudy day. The things that make your heart leap when you think of them, the places mentally you associate with purpose and fulfilment…oh I could go on and on. Toady’s letter is really to invite you to a place where you actually have a relationship with God, a relationship worth being excited for at the end of a long day because of how valuable it is, how much rest it gives to you, how overwhelmingly beautiful and overflow of a bowl of beauty and splendor!

To have intimacy is to render yourself vulnerable before the other party and what an honor to do it with God who has always carried you in his palm! Dear chosen I’d go on and on and on about what love is with God but I surely cannot give you my history with God, so this is my invitation to you to experience God as he presents himself to you!

With Love,

-Kana Lusuba-

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