I understand it’s been a rough couple of months and you feel like this is your only way out. I came to tell you that you don’t need to get to the end of the tunnel to find the light. Remember how I am always saying to you that I will never leave you nor forsake you? I am the light in the tunnel too. I didn’t emptily promise to never leave you nor forsake you, I am holding to my word and regardless of what It looks like or feels like, I need you to know I will always be here.
It’s been painful I know all too well and it feels like it’s never coming to an end. There is hope for you, be reminded that if it is not “the good life” yet, then it’s not the end.
I didn’t come to tell you to be strong, I came to tell you that you could choose joy, now I know it sounds unrealistic but let me bring light to your ear. To give praise is an act of Faith. It is a sacrifice because in essence you are giving when you don’t have what it takes to give, because the current situation takes away your ability to willfully give.
You don’t need to take your life, don’t feed into the deception that you’ll rest when you do. I also didn’t come here to teach you the word of God because you know a good portion of it. I came to say to you to pick up the pieces of your prayer life and seek God again, seek communion once again, mighty reminders on what it is to be loved. Going back to the places where you were once clothed with strength and scriptures that fuelled your zeal for life and a love for God, stand in those places once again and cry out to God.
I understand you feel without strength but that’s initially why man prays, apart from fellowship he is letting God in on the situation so he can show him the way, he sent man a helper, so in prayer we commune with him and he helps our vision so we walk better in this life. Today I came to remind you of the reckless love, IAM THE GOD WHO HAS LEFT THE 99 TO COME AND BE WITH YOU, do not be discouraged friend of God. Remain steadfast and trust God relentlessly for a way out.
“As long as you have breath, keep it there. Every life has a story, and God knows how to turn it into glory. Congratulations on not taking your life, if you are going through hell, the secret is to keep going, it gets better” Fight for your joy with the little strength you may have, and if you have none depend on “I am” you are a good person and the weight of the world won’t change that.
With Love,
Mwine Lubansa.